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The 66th Annual PSCA Conference, "Enduring, Emerging, and Evolving Together" was held at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA on December 9th and 10th, 2021. The conference was preceded by the Attendance Summit on Wednesday, December 8th at the Milton Hershey School. For more information, visit the Attendance Summit Page.

Keynote Speakers - Lisa Koenecke
Enduring, Emerging, and Evolving Together Through 2022 and Beyond
Lisa’s speaking style can best be described as dynamic, energetic and interactive. After 12 years of being a middle school counselor, she is now an adjunct instructor at Lakeland University training the next generation of school counselors. She is the Past President of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association and has served on the ASCA Board of Directors. Lisa She has given a TEDx Talk, written a best-seller and has presented in 43 states!

Keynote Speaker - Dr. Robert Pincus
School Counselors and Principals Working Together for Students' Mental Health Needs
Dr. Pincus, LSC, is a full-time core faculty member in the Department of Counselor Education and Family Studies teaching school counselors at Liberty University. Dr. Pincus was a school counselor for 10 years and is an active advocate for the profession at the school, district, and legislative levels. He is the Assistant Chair of the Board of Directors for the Florida School Counselors Association. He has presented at several state, national, and international conferences on school counselor advocacy, the school counselor/principal relationship, and school counselors using motivational interviewing with students.
​Thursday, December 9
LGTBQ+ Resources and Creating Safe Spaces
PASSHE Western Integration Overview, Implementation and Q&A for the new Pennsylvania Western University
Who's Your Biggest Advocate? YOU ARE! (V)
Building a "Sweet" Alliance with Interns
Hope for the Future Begins Today: teaching Students the Skill Set for Constructive Conversations
Ethics - Challenges Facing Today's School Counselors (V)
School Counselor Evaluation (V)
How to Track Career Evidence without breaking your budget using the Pennsylvania CareerZone
Using Social Media to Promote Your School Counseling Program and Connect with Stakeholders (V)
Data, Google Apps, and Behavior Charts Oh My!
If You Give a Counselor a Cookie: Avoiding Burnout
Creating a Career Aware Culture while helping students answer the big questions of Who am I, Where am I going and How do I get there?
Making Connections: Mentoring and Networking for Beginning School Counselors!
Using Excel/Google Sheets to Organize Your School Counseling Program
Facilitating a Culture of Grief Support through Groups and Programming
Suicide Prevention (V)
Imposter Syndrome and Its Impact on Graduate Students
Legislative Updates (V)
The Role of the Professional School Counselor during the COVID-19 pandemic: Delivery of Services
Social Emotional Learning in a Virtual World: Promoting Skills to Help Students Evolve and Adapt
The K-12 Guidance Plan as the Foundation and Map for Student Success (V)
​Friday, December 10
Administrator & School Counselor Agreement (Working with Data)
WINGS: Soaring Together to Create and Implement a PBIS Program
ESAP...Coming to a School Near You: Lessons Learned from a Beginning Team
Gender Support Plans: Development & Implementation
Increasing Our Mental Health Literacy - Words & Relationships Matter! (V)
Integrating Career and Technical Education Into Your K-12 Counseling Plan (V)
Great STEM Careers That Don't Require a 4 Year Degree
The Self Driven Learner: Making the Case for Teaching Executive Function in Secondary Education
Using Directive Play Therapy Techniques in the School Setting with a Child-Centered Mindset
Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Effectively Collaborate with Your School Social Workers, Psychologists, and Nurses
Successfully Evolving from Student to School Counselor (Virtual ONLY)
It Takes a Village: Supporting Students through an Eldership Program
Universal Screening: Building Capacity, Implementing and Responding (V)
Emerging Leaders
Learning from the Experts: Job Prep for Emerging School Counselors (Virtual ONLY)
Using the PA RAMP Portal to Achieve Diamond Recognition for your Program (V)
(V) Indicates session were available to virtual attendees