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Now Accepting Workshop Proposals and Posters for the

69th Annual PSCA Conference


Submit a Workshop Proposal

All applicants must create an account to submit - this will be the same account you will use when registering. 

Lead presenter must have a Master's or Doctoral level. Bachelor's level presenters may present with Master's or Doctoral-level presenters as a co-presenter.

  • An individual may not submit more than TWO proposals as lead presenter, but can be a co-presenter for multiple proposals.

  • All presenters must be available on December 12 & 13 (time of presentation will be assigned later) for presentation Some presenters will be asked to provide a pre-recorded video for our virtual attendees.

  • All presenters are required to register for the 68th Annual PSCA Conference. PSCA offers a reduced fee for presenters. 

  • If this proposal is accepted, you will be responsible for notifying co-presenters regarding the status of the proposal and the date, time and location of the presentation.

  • Presenters encouraging the solicitation of materials or services will not be accepted. 

  • Sessions will be evaluated on: anticipated interest; alignment with the ASCA National Model®; high quality, well-written summaries, learning objectives and processes; and practical application of material.

  • PSCA reserves the right to NOT accept a program from any company it deems inappropriate or at cross purposes to the association's mission. Additionally, PSCA reserves the right to interrupt any session in progress that is deemed objectionable and/or inappropriate.

  • Presenter guarantees all of the materials to be presented in this presentation are either original, licensed or used with permission.

  • At the minimum, presenters are required to submit a PDF of their PowerPoint presentation. If a PowerPoint is not being presented, presenters must submit a PDF of any handouts or materials being discussed or presented during the presentation.

  • Once you submit your session you should receive a message your form was submitted. 

  • You will get an email by October 20, 2024 of the committee’s decision.


Submit a Poster

All applicants must create an account to submit - this will be the same account you will use when registering. 

Poster sessions are for students or school counselors in training who have not completed their degree program.

Posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall area during conference. All poster presenters will receive a 50% discount on registration (code will be sent if accepted).

Submission Deadline is October 20, 2024

Presenters should be at their posters during the scheduled breaks:

Display Hours

Tentative and subject to change.

Thursday, December 12 | 1:00pm-1:45pm & 5:15pm-7:00pm

Friday, December 13 | 8:00am-9:00am & 12:00pm-1:00pm​




Submit all questions related to proposal content and subject matter to

Dr. Christina Green at


Issues with the submission portal can be submitted to Chelsea Marshall, at

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