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Program Development

​Program development is an ongoing process. Essential resources and tools for addressing the mandates of the new SC evaluation and for developing and maintaining a successful school counseling program that supports student success and college and career readiness are shared in this section.


Every Student, Every Day is a community toolkit produced by the U.S. Departments of Education, Justice, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development to address and eliminate Chronic Absenteeism:  

Reach Higher Goals and Activities: A Pennsylvania Sampler

As the commitment to former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher Campaign grows, more and more school counselors are responding to the challenge. Many Pennsylvania school counselors are already engaged in or planning to develop goals and activities for the “Reach Higher” initiative. Several Pennsylvania School Counselors have offered as examples their Reach High Goals and Activities. That sampling follows. Included as part of the descriptions are references to the PA Career Education and Work Standards, standards designed to ensure college and career success for Pennsylvania’s students…and standards that support the Reach Higher Initiative Goals.

RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program)

ASCA provides many resources to schools who are thinking about applying for RAMP recognition.

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K-12 Guidance Plan

Pennsylvania requires all school districts to have a K-12 Guidance Plan as required by Chapter 339 Career and Technical Education Standards. Resources on this page, as well as this entire Toolkit website, serve as core content to help districts build their plan.

SEL/MH Resources

Children going to school
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